Thursday, May 12, 2011

Broken Hand

My 3rd to last week of school has been a very eventful week. My first school day back from the extended weekend was wonderful, but then it just got worse. Because prom is this Saturday, and I purchased a short dress, I decided not to take on the role of keeper (goalie) in Quidditch this week, so I would not scrape my knees or legs. Yes, Quidditch, the Harry Potter game. However, we play it without a broom and snitch, it;s like a cross of rugby and wrestling. This one time where I decided to take it easy happened to be the time of my worst injury, I broke two phalanges! I made it through the first game just fine, but I stayed for  the second game to avoid eating for the swim party,(this was the last time I will play sports with vanity in mind!) and that's when it happened, crack. I spent four hours with my history professor at the emergency room, it was interesting. By the end of the visit I had a gleaming white splint thing, which pleased me, as it will match my dress.  Since the hospital visit, I have taken copious tablets of ibuprofen, but I am still in pain. Hopefully today will be better.

 (Be impressed, I wrote this with one hand)


Sunday, May 8, 2011

End of Senior Year

In twenty days I will be 18 years old. I will also be graduating from high school. The past two years at the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics have been the most interesting years of my life. I would prefer not to reflect back at this time, and instead look forward to my future. A bright future full of sunshine, haha. I do look best with a good tan, and I've spent too much time in the cold recently, so I think this change will be for the best.
  This weekend was my last extended weekend at OSSM. My dear friend Lulu drove me home, and we stopped at the mall on the way. Upon finding a beautiful swimsuit for her, we ate our "last meal" before we hit the senior swim party diet. After we ate a cinnamon roll and Chinese food, I went home and Lulu continued on in her journey to reach her destination. Once home I found a large envelope from iEARN, the organization that I will be learning Arabic with. I'm pretty excited to go to Morocco, but I'm not going allow it to take over me until I graduate. 20 days!
Tomorrow I make the journey back to OSSM, for the 2nd to last time (maybe the last time). I'm kind of excited, not too sad, and I'm ready to make this the best last 3 weeks I will ever have of high school. Ha.
